I am an excel veteran but am not sure how to accomplish this task.

I have a day planner that I wrote with Office 2000 back in the day that has followed me around since then. I just decided to rewrite it from the ground up using Excel 2007. In my old version I had it setup so that one day would print on one side and the next day would print on the other side, but each day had its own columns and rows dedicated to it. The spreadsheet was long enough to print out a quarter at a time (Jan-Mar, for example). The first day of each quarter I would enter in the date (10/1/2008) and a formula in each day would then update that day's header to show the correct date.
This makes for a huge spreadsheet that runs real slow.

Is there a way operate excel like a mail merge? Can I have just one page and when I print say, 90 pages, the date changes at the top automatically as it prints?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,