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Excel 2007 : adding a text qualifier to an "if" statement

  1. #1
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    adding a text qualifier to an "if" statement

    I have this formula in all the cells in column W:

    The intent of it is to put a 1 or a 0 in that cell so that a pivot table reading it can be filtered to calculate based on only those with a 1.

    Sometimes the value in the cell in colum V is text and if so it always starts with "A" but could have anything after the "A" so I tried to say if it starts with "A" followed by anything (thus my "A*"), give me a 1.

    Similarly, in column AP, the cell is text and may or may not contain the word "Disco" but if it does I'd like W to be a 0.

    The sheet is 12,000 plus rows and works fine except the value it generates for column W doesn't seem to be influenced at all by the text values I've tried to include for columns V or AP, so I currently have to filter for those an manually input the 1 in each cell.

    Any advice on this would be much appreciated. (not as much as sound advice on how to make money in today's markets , but definately appreciated! Thanks!!

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    To check for an "A" as a first character in the cell you can use the LEFT function with the IF function the syntax will be something like this:

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    As for the second part you can use the FIND function within your formula, and it is syntax is as follows:

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    The FIND returns the position of the first string within the second string. So If the FIND returns a value greater than 0 then the string is found otherwise it is not.

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