Hello- I have a bit of puzzle or problem I was hoping to find an excel solution to. Any help is appreciated.

I have a big 'index' that is changed daily (over 15,000 rows). The index consists of 3 columns- A) an index number, B) a file name, and C) a column for an "X" or a check mark, (it could be converted to a yes/no, or some other binary reference).

Unfortunately, the people responsible for the index move files around, so the index numbers change a bit. Is there a way to use excel so that using the file name I can copy the info (X, check mark, yes, etc..) from column C to the next version of the index?

To what extent would the solution be effected by the fact that some of the file names are duplicates? For example the file name "portdoc.pdf" might be in the index 3 times- for simplicity's sake, lets assume that all three versions are the same and have the same value in column C.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!