Hey all,

My company has an XML feed at: http://www.midwestiso.org/misoRIA/se...esponseServlet

I would like to write a Excel Macro that will query this XML once an hour around 5 minutes after the hour and update the values back into the spreadsheet.

Basically once the query runs for an hour, the values should be added to a list of existing hours values. The macro should find the next empty row and add the records there. Like a growing table.

I would love to just have a spreadsheet attached to a response to this post that does this. Please try not to destory the site with hits, but it shoudl be able to take a bunch.

I should mention the data in the XML only changes once an hour, sometime around 30 seconds after the top of the hour. So 5 minutes after the hour should always pull the newest data.