I am trying to streamline my budget spreadsheet. I work from a daily download of transactions from my bank. I use this information from the bank to post the date, payee and category of each transaction. These posts are linked to a summary sheet.
Most of the transactions are in a miscellaneous category, so posting them in a column and linking the total to my summary sheet is no problem, but I have about 15 specific, once a month categories. Right now I have horizontal list of these specific categories that I have to scroll horizontally to find to make the entry into and then have a link to my summary sheet. This certainly works, but I don't like the scrolling and searching, and it makes printing sort of messy.

My question: Is there a formula or method that I can use to have excel recognize the category of these category specific posts and link the value of them to the summary sheet? In other words, if I post a category of "utilities" in cell C20, and a dollar amount in D20, can I get excel to recognize the
category in C20 and post the value of D20 in another worksheet in a specific cell? I hope that I have explained this in a way that you can understand.

