
I am going to do my best to explain this. The idea is quite simple, but to explain might come off as confusing. I will do my best. I want to create a time card to track my own time on projects. Since I take numerous breaks I "clock in" and "clock out" many times in a day (for 10 minutes, 12 minutes, etc) and I want to log the time that I spend only in "work mode". Here's my format
1 Monday Clock in1 Clock in2 Clock in3
2 Clock out1 Clock out2 Clock out3
4 Tuesday...
10 Monday Tuesday Wednesday
11 *totals *totals *totals

So I have it set up to count the number of days input with the =CountA formula. It counts how many cells in row 2 are filled. In this case it'd come up with the number "3".

What I then need it to do is write a formula that subtracts Clock out1 from Clock In1 and multiply by 24. Right now I have: " =(SUM(A2,-A1)*24).
-->Here's the kicker, if the Counta formula comes up with a 3, then it will add each subsequent SUM formula to the original formula (3 in this case). If CountA comes up with 2, it will only add up the hours for the 2 time slots that are filled.

Any ideas?

Thank you for any help!