This one has me puzzled...
I have a large Excel application that collects data as the user interacts with the application. There is one place - and only one - in the application where I have written a subroutine to restart the application and clear out any collected data.

Everything relating to resetting the application back to default values works fine except under one scenario: I noticed that if I open Microsoft Word to paste images of the tabbed forms from my Excel application, after I have pasted four or five of them into Word, I click back on my Excel app, to the next tab on the tabbed form, and my application resets itself as though I had clicked on the button that runs that subroutine. I put a halt breakpoint on the subroutine but it does not halt the code...yet the app still resets itself. Very strange!

Anyone heard or seen anything like this before?

My current workaround is not to paste images from my application into Word then everything is fine (I was creating a User Manual and wanted to paste images of the various tabbed forms, etc).
