Thanks for taking the time to read my question.

Background Information:

I'm trying to set up a reporting system for 7 different people. What I did was create a workbook with 31 identical sheets for each day of the month plus 1 totals sheet at the front which auto sums every cell in the other 31 sheets.

I saved the file names in such a way that I could use the replace tool for relinking new files when a new month or year would come along (Ex: MF_September_2009_Data.xls) thus saving myself from the painful process of manually linking 250 cells across 7 workbooks.

Having done that, I now had monthly totals in 7 different workbooks for all 7 people. I proceeded to create a yearly workbook to link the monthly totals.

Dilemma: I need to update the links in my template to create each new month without having to manually link 250 cells across 7 workbooks every time. When I use the find and replace tool it tells me that the formula is too long and it will not replace either the month I try to change or the year.

Question: Is there a solution to the replace tool dilemma? If not, is there another way I could achieve the same end result using a different method?

Thanks again for your time.