I have started a capacity planning workbook, and am tring to structure it such that fixed data, such as product codes and descriptions are input into one sheet, thereafter only touched for maintainence. Otherwise this data is read into the appropriate production lines.
Daily data(non fixed) such as inventory by item, and demand by item are imported daily. I am aware that there are many import types into excel, but assume that this is already in excel format. On a daily basis I will want to populate multiple sheets with the standing data and non fixed data, ie allocate the products to lines, update available inventory and changes in demand. It is my intention that the sheets to be populated will be identical in layout, but that the standing data may have additional items added, and that the inventory and demand may be in varying product sequence.
As this is repetitive, but possibly sequenced differently daily, any suggestions of the most disciplined method of structuring this will be greatly appreciated.