Using Check Boxes

I have a work sheet that is used in estimating. I am trying to format the sheet so that I can select if it is a regular job, a targeted job or a high priority job in relation to the pricing info.

I have set a check box that is connected to cell E11 for the targeted jobs and another cell H11 that is for the High priority jobs.

In cell D14 is where other functions get the info from. I want the sheet (D14) to show $4.60 if nothing is checked, $4.00 if the check box for E11 is checked and $3.60 if the check box for H11 is checked. I can't get this to work together. I have it correct using this formula in D14 "=IF(E11=FALSE,((4.6)),3.9)" to work for the first two options, but can't get the second check box or the third option to work.