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Unique data query count

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    Unique data query count

    Hi guys, I am in need of assistance here and hope someone can be kind enough to help.

    I have SIX columns in my work sheet, each column has specific text in it, i.e:
    Column A only has AAA's in it, Column B only has BBB's in it, Column C only has CCC's and, well, you get the idea.

    The thing is, not every ROW has ALL of these things in the columns- there are different combinations.
    Rows 1 through 14 might only have things in Column A
    Rows 15 - 200 might have only things from Column B
    Rows 201 - 1500 might only things from Columns A and B
    Rows 1501 - 1543 might ONLY have things from Columns A, B, D and G

    And it goes on.

    I need help in getting a count for the individual groups of data.
    I.e: How many rows with ONLY AAA's are there?
    How many rows with ONLY BBB's are there?
    How many rows with ONLY A and B's are there?

    I have tried a Pivot Table and it wont work properly with blanks in the rows.

    What I did manage, which is in the right direction, is a Filter of UNIQUE records.
    Where it shows that I have AAA, BBB, AAA+BBB, CCC, AAA+BBB+CCC,DDD, AAA+DDD etc.
    I like this, but just need to know how many items are IN EACH of those UNIQUE sets of data.

    I don't seem to be having much luck at all with solving this (its probably very easy and I do apologize for my ignorance!)

    I would be very grateful if ANYONE could help shed some light on this for me!

    Thanks in advance,
    Last edited by aFromOZ; 03-14-2010 at 12:13 PM.

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