I have a two part question.

I have a large workbook, 31 sheets, each sheet about 500 columns. The whole thing is basically a simple inventory calculator. What I want to do is be able to create a macro that can hide every row that does not have a value in column 1. Is this at all something that is able to be done?

Second part I do not want to edit 80% of this workbook. It is just basically a form that has been set up where I drop in numbers where necessary and it gives me a number out. I unlocked and locked all the cells I don't want to be able to be edited and edited. I then go to protect sheet. I uncheck all options in the allow all users of this worksheet to: area except Select unlocked cells which are the ones I want to be able to enter my numbers in.

This works great thus far, now I want to hide my unused rows. I cannot because they are all protected. Is there a way of protecting these cell that I am still able to hide their rows?

That's all I got, anyone able to help me out?
