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Excel 2007 : Saving: with no columns from file that has commas

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2003

    Saving: with no columns from file that has commas


    This might sound strange but i am only wanting to open a text file that has words that are separated by commas,such as:

    aaa,bbb,cccccc ccc cccccc
    nnn,oooo,ppp ppppp ppp

    Excel will open the text file with options about the format as it is a .txt file.And i choose "delimited" then i tick "comma" and the result is the file opened in excel that removes the commas which is what i want to do and it puts the words into columns(that is the problem when saving it as a .txt file again, as it becomes wrongly formatted for what i need)

    The *problem is that i need to save it back in .txt file format but i cannot save it into the .txt format while they are in columns,as it is being used another program that will read it wrongly.

    The file with the right format which if i open with excel will detect it as formatted with "fixed width".When it is opened in excel it will show the words in ONE Column and spaces between the words.So how do i save it into a .txt file that will be detected as being formatted that way (as it will be in the right format for my other program to use).

    I cant do it manually as there are thousands of lines of text.

    The file contains codes and names.

    I have office 2007 as well as excel 2002.Can either versions of excel do this??I have access to the 2002 version at the moment.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor tony h's Avatar
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    Re: Saving: with no columns from file that has commas

    when you save the file choose a .csv file (csv stands for comma separated values). This is actually a text file but you may need to renae it from myfile.cvs to myfile.txt

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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Excel 2003

    Re: Saving: with no columns from file that has commas

    I have already tried that,it saves the text with commas

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor tony h's Avatar
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    England: London and Lincolnshire

    Re: Saving: with no columns from file that has commas

    So: you can import the file ok but you don't know how to save it in the right format.

    In what format do you want your file to end up? Is it fixed width text? If so how many columns and what width(s)?

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