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question about TODAY function to not affect previous cells

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    question about TODAY function to not affect previous cells


    I'm maintaining a woorksheet with expenses.

    To simplify the case, I will have only two columns in the sheet.
    so everyday I fill in the expenses I made for the day.

    Column A will be the date of the input, column B will be the amount of money I spent on that date.

    What I need is that whenever I fill in the amount in column B, it will automatically fill in the date OF TODAY in the A cell (to save me the hassle of inputting the date manually).

    I tried to do it with "TODAY" function, so I inserted in cell A3 the following function: =IF(B3="","",TODAY())
    the problem is, that everyday it automatically changes the cells with the TODAY function (the function I showed above), to the date of today, also for the previous filled in cells. But what I need is, that it will leave the previous cells the way it was.

    I see 3 solutions (but don't know how to implement them):
    1. after the function inputs the date of today, it will automatically re-paste it AS VALUES.
    2. I need to do another IF, inside the existing IF function.
    3. I need to use another function.

    attached excel with the function as an example.

    Thank you.
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    Last edited by whatever61; 05-28-2010 at 05:24 PM. Reason: Solution found

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