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Formula to SUM Values of the same Type

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    Formula to SUM Values of the same Type

    Hey guys,
    This is going to sound like a stupid question, as I'm sure there is probably a simple answer.
    I have attached a worksheet I am currently building. I would like to include a summary box (K9:M16).

    1. I would like the values in the L column to Automatically search for the type of Vegetable in the K column from the main table in the B column. I would like it to add up all the values in the E column. (Yellow Columns)

    2. The same sort of situation for the M column of the summary table, only I would like it to Add up the relevant values in the F column. (Blue Columns)

    I have attached the spreadsheet to help as much as possible, thanks in advance for any help you can give.
    Regan Mitchell
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