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lookup/process information from table

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  1. #1
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    lookup/process information from table

    Hello guys,
    I've been trying to work out a way to look up information in a table and display only cells with an entry in it, and process this information.
    The purpose being calculating cost of making 'resources' and 'buildings'
    I've attached an example to make it a bit easier to see what I'm trying to do.
    The format of the tables and presentation is not important though so they can be changed if it makes it easier.

    In sheet1 I have the table four resource cost (cost in resources)
    In sheet2 is the table for building cost (cost in resources)
    In sheet3 I've tried to illustrate what sort of output I'm looking for:
    I want to be able to choose a resource and the ammount, then it should automaticly look up in the tables the ammount of each resource needed and the names (from row 1) of these (but none of the blank cells of course).
    Further on I'd like to take this result and also break it down further in the same way.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: lookup/process information from table

    I'm not getting it. On your sheet 3, what are your inputs and what are your returns, what's grouped together and what's not? What are the units on your tables; amounts?
    My 2?

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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: lookup/process information from table

    For sheet 3:
    Column A, C and F are static descriptions
    Column B you enter the number you require
    Column D is selection of what Resource or Building
    Column G and H would look up and display the cost according to the tables in Sheet 1 and 2.
    Column J and K breaks down this cost further according to table in Sheet 1
    Column M and N breaks it down even further if needed and so on.

    The units used are as you guessed, simply ammounts.

    I realise the layout might not be the best at the moment, but I've prioritsed getting it to work before thinking about layout.

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