Hi there.

I was wondering about somethings in excel.

1. I was sent a locked spreadsheet the other day and some things which I hadn't seen before were included. there seemed to be another "layer" behind this spreadsheet, which if you changed a drop down box, changed the populated figures. I was wondering how this mechanic worked?

I did an alt f8 to see if ity was a macro but no macros showed up in the work book, but it does look like some sort of sub total application has been used.

Just wondered how these "layered spreadhseets work and are contstructed in principle?

2. My other question completely unrelated is. What colour schemes work best in spreadsheets? Are there any guidelines at all? I only ask because the content I provide for the puroposes required is very good, but my presentation of colour is just terrible and I wondered how I can improve it.
