I'm creating an excel document to record all the statistics from a driving championship but I've run into a problem, this is hard for me to explain but I'll do my best...

I have a worksheet called 'Names' which has a list of driver names on it.
I then have a worksheet for each race, with all the results.

On a worksheet called 'DriverStats', I have a drop down menu made up of all the driver names, and depending on the selected driver all of the stats on this worksheet change appropriately.

But, I now want another worksheet 'Tables', which displays stats for several drivers together. If I make a reference to the 'DriverStats' worksheet, then of course the value returned depends on whoever happens to be selected in the drop down menu.

Is there a way of referring to a cell on the 'DriverStats' worksheet, AND tell excel to return the value based on a specific selection from the drop down menu on that worksheet?

The problem is, most of the statistics on the 'DriverStats' sheet have very complex forumlas, and often one stat effects other stats, so I don't want to have re enter any complex formulas on the 'Tables' sheet, rather I would like to simple use a cell reference.

I hope that is clear heh

Any help would be much appreciated.
