Im having a hard time here with excel.
I have a worksheet that takes external values (stock quotes) from a another refreshable excel workbook with =(cell). I call this master/feeder for simplification. Master is the workbook that I use as platform that performs the calculations; feeder is the passive one that just contains the refreshable data from MoneyCentral.
The quotes I get are from msn money central from the custom query (.iqy) file that excel has on its directory. I use the data that I retrieve from the refreshable workbooks to perform calculations. These data are manipulated just fine. I can shape them in every format I want (currency, %, accounting) so I can perform calculations with them. Averages etc.
I need another value (open price) but unfortunately MoneyCentral doesn’t provide it. I imported data from web (excel 2010) from yahoo. Finance.
I imported only the square I wanted which contained the open price. I imported all 30 dow components on a single sheet. To my surprise when I refreshed the main worksheet (the one that performs calculations based on the data from the feeder sheet) I got #value errors. When I figured out what happened is that excel doesn’t see the yahoo imported data as values (numbers) but as links. So I can’t format them (currency format that I use) or perform calculations on them.
In other words those data are useless.
My questions are? Why those data are seen as links and not as values that I can manipulate and how do I change it? Can I change it?
I made a brand new (.iqy) (copied the MoneyCentral custom ones that excel has) and changes to the preferred link (yahoo. Finance) but again the problem remained.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.