Hi All,

I'm using Excel 2003 here at work and here is what I am trying to do, I've also included some pics in-case I lose you.


Anyway, I have two tabs with one labeled "data" and the 2nd tab labeled "test1". I have run an access query and exported the data to the data tab (no problem), as for the test1 tab. I need to create a MACRO for another program that takes certain information from the data tab.

Here is where my problem is.
The macro has 8 lines of data for each series of information. If I point to the first cell on the data tab (data!A2) for example, the next series of data for the Macro jumps to (data!A11).
I've tried everything I can think of for it to use (data!a3) automatically instead but nothing works or more likely I am doing it incorrectly. I have tried using the INDEX function as well as the INDIRECT function without success.

Any help you can render is incredibly appreciated.
