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Help with a Formula to Print a stored variable

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    Help with a Formula to Print a stored variable

    Hey guys quick question for the experts here.

    Is there a feature like the 'Print' feature back in BASIC programming days?

    I'm trying to keep up with my taxes each year using Excel 2010, and I have named my sheets Taxes 2010, Taxes 2011, etc. at the bottom. Also each sheet or work book (I think is what you call it), the actual data on the page starts with a title at the top, PROPERTY TAXES "Year", then followed by all my nasty tax data. So anyways I would like to add the sheet name that is at the bottom to the title at the top of all my sheets\ workbooks.

    EX: Print "PROPERTY " ; Sheet 1

    Sheet 1 = TAXES 2010

    So it would read, PROPERTY TAXES 2010

    I could do that simply in BASIC, but how do I make this work in excel? I don't even see a PRINT command but then again I have much to learn and I'm excited yet overwhelmed with all that is possible in excel.

    Thanks guys, and if you know a good tutorial page for getting started with basic commands in Excel point me to it. I don't want to just ask questions all the time, I want to learn as much as I can.

    Can this not be done in Excel?
    Last edited by Modify_inc; 12-07-2010 at 05:51 PM.

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