File created in excel 2003 than moved to excel 2007
Main functions From an alarm list to define alarm type and affected locality/equipment
(used formulas (e.g) =SUMIF('#A'!$F$2:$F$13000,"*"&'#S'!AD$5&"*"&'#S'!$E15673&"",'#A'!$B$2:$B$13000)-SUMIF('#A'!$F$2:$F$13000,"*"&'#S'!AD$5&"*"&'#S'!$E15673&" ""*"&$A$1&"*",'#A'!$B$2:$B$13000)-SUMIF('#A'!$F$2:$F$13000,"*"&'#S'!AD$5&"*"&'#S'!$E15673&" ""*"&$A$2&"*",'#A'!$B$2:$B$13000) where #A and #S worksheets.

Previous: Excel2007+WindowsXP+2 processor= OK calculation time acceptable

Now: Excel2007+Windows7+4 processor +64 bit = Loooong calculation time (up to 5-6-times)

Attempts: Windows7 compatibility with XP, range.calculate, etc NO result
Last: Calculation in Macro without involving the worksheets removing risks related to links, re calculations etc: NO results LOOOOOOOOOOOng calculation times.
Has anyone had this tipe of issue?, any suggestion about olution?