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interrogating large data sets

  1. #1
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    Question interrogating large data sets

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    Here is the task I have to do.

    Task Five - Interrogating large data sets

    You own a fast food restaurant and have do5ne some market research in an attempt to better
    understand your customers. For a random sample of customers, you are given the income, gender,
    and number of days per week that they go out for fast food.

    5.1 Use this information to determine how gender, income and the two combined influence the
    frequency with which a person goes out to eat fast food.

    5.2 Briefly discuss how you might plan your marketing based on this information. Consider the
    profile of you best customers and how you might target potential new customers?

    so far i thought of making tables for different age groups like 20-30, 30-40 for men and women. but what sort of chart should i use - pie, column, bar? and when i make charts then what? i have no idea.
    Last edited by ruleworld; 01-04-2011 at 10:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Domski's Avatar
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    Re: need some idea where to start

    This isn't really an Excel question, more a general stats one. If you really have no clue where to start you should speak to your tutor.
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