Hello All,
For cross posting reference I have also posted here,

I'm really struggling with a formula to basically say;
"Multiple amount a and b, but only if its less than the amount in cell xyz.
if its the same or more than the amount in cell xyz, please just show the amount xyz.

Simple eh? :-)
can I figure it out?
No :-(
The formula I have in the cell I need altered (Which I can copy down the sheet) is cell
AA38 which reads
As a note , cell Z38 is a rolling account equity amount that increases down the sheet.
Cell AA37 is a Daily % increase.

Cell s6 is the amount that the formula needs to be capped by.
So for example; if the above formula generated an amount of say £600,,,, but now in cell
S6 I enter a figure of say £500,,,, Cell AA38 can now only show the amount of £500.

I hope this makes sense.

I did try as a guess;
=IF(COUNTBLANK($AA$6:$AA$7),"", IF(Z38*$AA$37>=S6,S6))
I know nothing about arrays,, but maybe something like this is needed?
meaning, I thought, if z38 *AA37 is greater than cell S6, then display s6, if not,,, leave it as is.

I didn't quite get it :-)

Can anyone help me with this please.
Here's a link to my spreadsheet also,, so it should make sense.

Many thanks to you all,
I hope someone can shed some light on this for me
Again, many thanks,