I have numerous emails In Outlook and all have the same subject line and pretty much all of them have 20 or so lines within them. Is there anyway to pull certain data out of each email and into an Excel spreadsheet in two columns?

I basically want to capture the product number and the entry for the system. Is there anyway to do this?

Example Email

Subject: Product Order Information

Action to take: Order this Product

Product number: 60610 <--------------Capture this data

Type: MTL

Type Number: 1000

Type PIN: 001

Type Weight: 12

Person Ordering Product: Smith

Person Email: smith@

Type Part:

Type Title: Metals

Type Level: 2

Manufacturer: Acme Industries

Contact: 555-555-5555

Location: NYC, NY

Required or Recommended: Required


Action Add product

Entry for System: Metals for processing ~ More information (Click for prices, inventory, etc. if applicable) <-------------Capture this data