
I have a list of students with their date of birth.

I need to identify identical names. If their Date of birth is different, I need to name as below..

First name - First
second identical name - second
Third identical name - Third & so..

For example...

If I have 3 peters in my class... DOB as 12.12.90, 13.12.90, 14.12.90

Peter with 12.12.90 - should be 1st
Peter with 13.12.90 should be 2nd
Peter with 14.12.90 - should be 3rd...

I use teh duplicate formula as below...
=IF(COUNTIF($D$2:$D3,D3)=1,"first","dupes")..may be slight modification required on this..

If you are not clear, please let me know, I will send the excell.
