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Combining multiple cells into one (not your regular concatenate)

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    Combining multiple cells into one (not your regular concatenate)


    i'm trying to create some kind of lookup concatenate function whereby I can combine several cells in a column into one cell in a different worksheet.

    Basically we have a list of customers, invoices, amounts dates etc and I am trying to send out monthly statements to the customers via word as a mail merge from excel. I am having trouble with the formatting in word and so far the only solution appears to be where I keep each customer on one seperate row in excel but may need to combine many different rows from the master report into the one customer row in the mail merge report. (the master report allocates each seperate invoice to it's own row)

    It's a bit difficult to explain so I have attached an example. please take a look. there are also notes to try to explain it a little better. please feel free to ask me any questions.

    Thanks in advance for your help. If it makes no sense I apologise - i'm tired and have been mucking around with this all day so quite possibly have wrote a very confusing post that at the minute makes perfect sense to me but won't to you, or me for that matter after i've been to bed.

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