As you can see from the screenshoot the actual values inside of the graph are not the ones I want. I want the values from date 2010->2011 like the X-axis says but it keeps showing the 2005-2006 values whenever I hoover above the line.
Feels like I've tried everything and I got no idea why it ´works this way, very strange. When I change the X-axis to example 2005->2011 the value will increase from 2005->2008. No matter what I do it always starts on 2005.
I got a macro that changes the X-axis of the graph, the min and max value so you can see different times. Still it stays on 2005 and this is a major problem. The main idea is to be able to change intervals to see trends but since the value is the same the entire team it crashes.
I need this to work :<
Any help greatly appriciated!
Thank you!
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