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Formula to check if conditional formating is being aplied

  1. #1
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    Formula to check if conditional formating is being aplied

    Hello everyone.

    Does anyone know a formula that would check if a CF is being applied?

    For example. If column a1:a5 have a cell with CF (changing background color of the cell) being applied the formula would see that in another cell and change from FALSE to TRUE just considering the CF.

    I tried a color function but it doesn't recognized the color applied by CF.

    Any idea would be very welcome.


  2. #2
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    Cool Re: Formula to check if conditional formating is being aplied

    Not sure if is the only way to do if but if the cell with the CF changed for example when the value was greater than 5, then in cell B1 just put in the same conditions in an IF formula to say True. ie =if(A1>5,"True",False)

  3. #3
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    Re: Formula to check if conditional formating is being aplied

    Quote Originally Posted by BarryTSL View Post
    Not sure if is the only way to do if but if the cell with the CF changed for example when the value was greater than 5, then in cell B1 just put in the same conditions in an IF formula to say True. ie =if(A1>5,"True",False)
    Makes perfect sense what you said, but the example is an easier version of what I want to accomplish. To apply CF on the cell that is being tested the formula is quite easy, but apply CF in a remote cell considering what is happening in another columns starts to get hairier when you want more than one condition to be checked (like if the cell is "x" and the cell on the right is "y" and the cell in the left is different than "w").

    Therefore my intention to check if a CF is being applied in a column is to make the process of CF in a remote cell easier.

    Thanks for the reply.

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