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Decision Tree - Then Vlookup?

  1. #1
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    Excel 2008 for Mac

    Decision Tree - Then Vlookup?

    I am wondering if someone can shed some light for me.

    I am trying to create a database that will lookup a value for a given value based upon a number of criteria. Let me explain.

    I have 264 separate data tables (roughly 20x20 cells each) with raw scores in the first column and different types of tests in the header row. The contents of the table show me the transformed raw score for each test.

    There are 264 different tables based upon different permutations of 4 demographic factors for an examinee (Gender, Education, Age, Race). For example, the first table shows the transformed scores for Males with 7-8 years of education who are between the ages of 20 and 34 and white. The other 263 tables correspond to different permutations of these 4 demographic variables.

    Is there a way that I can tell excel to do a vlookup in any one of those 264 tables based upon the examinee's status on these 4 demographic variables? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Decision Tree - Then Vlookup?

    can you upload example?

    Look like INDEX and 2xMATCH function will help.

  3. #3
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    Re: Decision Tree - Then Vlookup?

    Thank you for the reply. I was able to solve this by naming each of the table ranges and using this name in the vlookup formula.

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