So let's say I have this formula:

VLOOKUP(Name,'I:\drive\picnic\folder\[5 May 2011 Timings.xlsx]May 2011'!$A$1:$A$150,8,FALSE)

Basically a formula that returns the value corresponding to "Name" in the 8th column of a worksheet in a specified folder.
Now let's say I have a lot of these formulas in cells in the same sheet. I have created a VBA code that when I click a button I get prompted to select a workbook file and this code pastes the reference to that file with the appropriate reference to the sheet within the workbook in a specific cell. Let's say this cell is "G2".

Now I want to rewrite my formula so that it references the cell "G2" like so:


where this is contained in text in G2:
'I:\drive\picnic\folder\[5 May 2011 Timings.xlsx]May 2011'!$A$1:$A$150

So this looks like this should work to me, except that it doesn't. Does the text within G2 have to be a certain format?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!