Dear All,

Newbie - Please help!!

I have a list of week no's and a volume intake for each week. (Please note not every week has a volume intake number)

I am trying to create a couple formula that will summarise the actual week No the intake started, then the second intake hit etc, and secondly what the volume was for these weeks?

Simple Example to get idea:

Week No: Intake:
Week 1 0
Week 2 100
Week 3 0
Week 4 250

I would then require formulas that result in first intake was "Week 2" the intake was "100", the second intake was "week 4" at 250 units.

I have tried lookup's which seems to work ok but on more than one occasion the intake is the same resulting in the wrong intake week being reported plus the processing time is incredibly slow.

I hope this makes sense, and if any guidance can be given or ideas I would be very grateful,

Kind regards

The MG