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Search columns for required criteria, remove duplicates, sort then concatonate

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    Search columns for required criteria, remove duplicates, sort then concatonate

    The attached example shows what I'm looking for:

    Alright, here's the loadout. What I need is pretty gnarly but it's what is required.
    At the top of the excel sheet, you will see a table listing each of the sections with the ids in it. I want to search through each of the section ID fields and add place the values into the current column.

    Section 1, ID Row 1.
    The Value is "-", skip.
    continue to loop.
    Reach ID Row 4
    The value is 4421.
    Add this value to the first column in Section 1 ID under the Overview table.
    Continue to loop, skipping "-" values,
    Reach Row .
    The Value is 3234.
    Add this value to the second column int he Section 1 ID.
    Any remaining empty columns in the Overview table need to be filled with "-"
    Do this for all the sections.

    (The reason for each of the values being stored in their own columns is they want to be able to have a hyperlink to each of the values)

    I then need to get all the IDs in the Overview table, remove the duplicates, sort them then concatenate them into the Total column under the Overview Table.

    Although I highly doubt it's possible, I'd like to be able to do this without VB (for some reason, macros and embedded code are frowned upon here). If it's not possible, I'm open for ideas and I'll see what I can do to get it implemented.

    I hope this made even minor sense. Thank you so much for taking a look.
    Last edited by Vaesive; 07-07-2011 at 05:20 PM.

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