I have browsed the web, done loads of searches and can't seem to find anything that touches on what I'm looking for. I'm hoping you guys can help.

Excel 2010

I have multiple tables, and a drop down menu. I need to call data from these tables, but only data from the table selected in a drop down menu.

I have multiple tables and a drop down listing each table for users to select:

I have a results sheet where this drop down is located, that should provide information based on what is selected in the drop down... The data it should be gathering are located on other sheets within the same workbook. I currently have this formula.

=TABLENAME[[#Totals],[Amount Due]]

I need to change this so that the table name here is dynamic and is based on what is selected in the drop down. All tables will have a total line, be the same number of columns, however could have a different number of rows.

How do I dynamically call a table within a function?

Any and all help is appreciated.

Thank you