Hi all, looking for a bit of help here. Looking to apply error bars to a fairly standard graph and i will try to explain the problem.
So i have 3 values for each series (3 different conditions), and 2 different series. These are plotted as a bar graph, so in total i have 6 bars. So this is one experiment, and i have repeated it 3 times, and calculated the mean values for each series/condition, as well as standard error (using excel).
What i want to do is plot the mean values in a bar graph with the standard error bars on each one. When i try and do this, it seems i can only apply the SAME SE values to the 3 values in each time series. However, i have a different value for each bar and would like to apply each one to each bar. I'm sure there must be away to do this, but whichever way i try, i can only add the same error bar values to the 3 bars in each series.
Thanks for any help.....!