
I have two somewhat related questions, it seems both need the same type of formula to be solved, yet I'm uncertain because I don't know the formulas in question.

The first question is:

In a table full of data, there is a starting number and an ending number, but these are only there if a certain requirement is filled. C1 contains: (=IF(A1="Yes";[Start number which is located in B1];" ")
This is a simplified example, yet contains the core issue. So far no problems.

Now I want to create a formula which enables me to pick out all "starting numbers" yet not take the empty cells. So in a different part of the sheet/file, I want a list of all the starting numbers, without having all the empty cells in between.
As an example, in cells C1-C100 the stated formula exists.
In D1-D5, I want the 5 numbers which are located in the B&C row, yet leave out all the blanks.

I hope this makes sense. If it doesn't, please let me know so I can provide an example table.

Now for the second problem which is more difficult, yet consists of roughly the same problem.

In cells A1-J1 ten different numbers are located, between 1 and 100.
This way, there are hundreds of rows with the same requirement, ten different numbers between 1 and 100.
(So A1-J1 is filled with numbers between 1 and 100, repeating numbers per row, yet not in the same row).

To calculate the amount of each number I use the following formula: =COUNTIF(A1:J500;AA1)
Where A1:J500 is the range of data, and AA1 is the number one. For number two I use AB1, 3=AC1 etc.

Now the actual question:
I want to get information from the data, more then only seeing the amount of times that the data shows up, I also want to see the following:
The first five numbers are a different “type” then the last 5 of each row. Is it possible other than having two different formulas to see type A and type B without destroying any other formulas?
A combination of numbers. What I mean by this, is that I want to see if number X and number Y are in !the same row! How many times. And that for every possible number combination. Preferably, also with X, Y and Z. or even 5 different, of 10. I can make this myself, but then I have to create hundreds of formulas with =IF(OR(A1=1,B1=1,C1=1etc.);IF(OR(A1=2,B1=2,B1=2etc);”No”;”No”), and that for every number combination.
To summarize:
The following solutions to my problems:
Automatising that I can see all numbers without the blanks in between. Automaticly rather then doing it manually.
Excel to read my data, to tell me how many times any possible combination of any amount of numbers within one row.