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Formula vs Name

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    Formula vs Name

    I have a range that seldom changes values. It has over 200 cells in it.
    The range covers C22:C230, but can increase in size on occasion. But it will not change any values over 99% of the time.

    I would prefer not to name the range because it only contains intermediate calculations between the raw data and the finished display.

    But if it's more efficient then I will name it.

    The only cells that refer to the range are D22:D230. If I don't name the range then the formulas in column D would look like this:
    CodeCount is a name that is calculated on a different worksheet.
    If I name the range then the name and formulas in column D would look like this:
    Name 'CodesInColumnC' RefersTo: =Offset($C$21,1,0,CodeCount,1)
    Formulas in column D : =Match($A22,CodesInComumnC,0)
    Since the values in column C never change 99% of the time, I don't think I need to worry about the Count() being executed during day to day work.

    Is there any other reason that I should consider naming the range in column C?
    Last edited by foxguy; 09-29-2011 at 08:44 AM.

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