I have two worksheets. One is updated by the customer every morning and cannot be changed. Some items stay the same, some numbers and dates may change, and other items may drop off the list when updated.

The other worksheet imports this data, assigns each transaction an id, and a manager adds data to it.

The problem I run into is that when the customer sheet is updated, information is either removed by the customer, changed, or it moves position within the customer data sheet.

This causes the information entered by the manager to not match up with the customer data. I would like to be able to update the manager sheet with the customer data and retain whatever information the manager has entered for that transaction. Also, if a transaction has been removed by the customer on their sheet, I would like it to remain on the manager's sheet until he/she decides to remove it. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I have included a smaller example of what I am working with:
Book1 - Copy.xlsx