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Lookup/Match and Sum Multiple Values

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    Lookup/Match and Sum Multiple Values


    In the example I have included columns A and B contain old material numbers. Column C contains a master list of current and old numbers(ie. all numbers in columns A and B 'should' appear in column C). Column E is a list of values.

    What I would like is a formula that -

    a). If columns A and B are blank returns the value (in column E) of the material in column C
    b). If there is a value in column A bring back the adjacent value in column E twice (once for the old material (col A) and once for the new material (col C)
    c). If there is a value in column A AND column B bring back the adjacent value in column E three times (as above).

    There would never be a value in column B without a value in column A.

    I tried the unweildy:


    This seemed to work until I had to enter a new 'old material' in column A and the formula returned #REF! (see example).

    Any help on amending my formula or suggesting a better alternative would be most welcome.


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