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Compare columns and detect changes

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    Compare columns and detect changes

    Hi all,

    I need please some help with the following issue: As you can see in the attached excel file, I have two charts which I must compare with each other.

    BMK, stands for "item ID" and "Page" means the page number in which the BMK is located.

    The difference between the list1 and the list2 is that some elements (,this is, BMK´s) might have been deleted in one of the lists or simply assigned to another page number (placement change). What I need to, is to detect automatically these possible changes for the items between lists.

    In the sheet "Results" you may see the way this has to be performed. Assigning conditionally cell-colour formats to the cells: red for an element which was deleted in one of the lists and blue when the element was moved from one page onto another one.

    With the "Consolidate" command I´ve managed myself to detect elements which have been deleted, but this whole thing goes beyond my skills with excel, when simultaneously I want to detect the elements which have been re-located in different pages..and I´m afraid tha, I need a Macro for this. Here it is where I´d really appreciate your help.

    Thanks in advances for the hints and answers,

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by buhnen; 11-21-2011 at 10:39 AM. Reason: writing mistakes

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