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Hospital Patient Worksheet Project

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    Excel 2003

    Exclamation Hospital Patient Worksheet Project

    Hello, all! First time poster looking for some advice. I'm a respiratory therapist working in a large county hospital. Until recently, we were using a complicated system to organize our patient load involving cutting up patient stickers and applying them to long sheets of grid-lined paper. We now have decided to use Excel to organize our patients. We have one Excel document with a different worksheet for each area of the hospital (ICU, ER, 3D, 3B, etc.)

    Currently, I have the worksheet protected so that only the DATE and UNIT fields, the room # fields, and the fields with all the patient information (including the cell with "MR#") are unlocked so people can edit the information without affecting the formatting. Currently our employees have to copy/paste the information for each patient to arrange them in order by room number when someone is moved, discharged, or someone new is admitted. This is proving to be complicated for some people who aren't that experienced with Excel (or computers in general) and is resulting in some errors.

    All the cells on the right half of the document with the various numbers are for billing purposes and should stay the same at all times.

    I really have two questions: One, is it possible to "group" the information per patient somehow, then "Sort" the information by room number so that all the patients are in order, with the correct information, without having to copy/paste? And two: Is there a way to make this process automatic, so the program will automatically arrange the patients in order of room # when one is deleted, or once all the information for a new one has been added?

    Thanks so much for your help.
    - Cody
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