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Excel 2007 : Text Array

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  1. #1
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    Excel 2007

    Unhappy Text Array

    This is kind of hard for me to explain, but I am working on a project I am gradually adding too.

    I am trying to grab data from cells in an array into one cell, so I can use for a .net application e.g.

    elseif formatdatetime(now,2) = ""DATE HERE"" Then

    Response.Write("MESSAGE HERE")

    and so on, depending on the data showing on the filter, so if 12 dates was shown there woud be 12 varibles in the box etc...

    I have also added a copy to clipboard button, but with the basic function I have added it adds some extra " to the clipboard.

    Could anyone ammend my work to make it work, or even point me in the right direction of what to search for?

    I have attached my sample document.
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert darkyam's Avatar
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    Re: Text Array

    There is a significant issue with this and that's that you have a pivot table for the dates but the rest of your data doesn't seem to be part of that table. This means when you apply the filter, it hides only the date rows, leaving the others untouched. It would be better to have a filter applied to your original table of data, along with dates.

    As for the formula, the best way that I can see to do it, without VBA anyway, is to have a helper column that you can hide, such as
    =IF(SUBTOTAL(3,$B$1:B1)=SUBTOTAL(3,$B$1:B2),D1,D1&" elseif formatdatetime(now,2) = """&A2&""" Then"&CHAR(10)&CHAR(10)&"                Response.Write("""&B2&""&"'')"&CHAR(10)&CHAR(10))
    in D2, copied down. The formula in the message box could simply be =D16. There's the possibility, however, that if your spreadsheet is fairly large, that you'll run up against Excel's 32,767 character limit per cell. If that is the case, you'll need someone to write a VBA script for you.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Text Array

    Thanks for your response, how do I go about editing my pivot table range to include the rest of the data?


  4. #4
    Forum Expert darkyam's Avatar
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    Re: Text Array

    Click on a cell in the pivot table and a couple tabs should appear at the top called Options and Design. Go to Options and find a button in the middle for Change Data Source.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Excel 2007

    Re: Text Array

    Thanks using your feedback I was able to complete this

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