I apologize if this is addressed in another post. I've been searching for this answer in a few different forums including this one and none of the answers seemed to cover exactly what I was trying to do (or I just didn't understand it). Hopefully, someone can help me through here

I keep a running account of my hours at work though a spreadsheet. I make sure the hours I am tracking in this excel sheet match up with the hours I have billed in another system.

The long and the short of it is, I have a cell with a value that I input and I'm trying to get it to increase every work day by 8.

So I put in a starting value.. say 40.. and every weekday, it increases that cell value by 8. Then I make sure the hours I have tracked always match that cell.

On 12/7 the value of the cell is 40
On 12/8 the value of the cell becomes 48
and so on..

Maybe there is a better way to do this or there is a template that does something like what I'm talking about?

Aside from this work tracking "solution" I am fumbling through, I would like to know the formula to increase the value of a cell by a number each day anyway..