Greetings, I am trying to create a performance based review sheet and am having some trouble with getting the desired result. I'm basically trying to create a list of topics and then assigning a grade based on each topic using check boxes.
So I would have a description in cell A1, then Check boxes in A2, A3, A4 that would refer to Excellent, Average or Poor. What I'm trying to accomplish is when one of the check boxes is selected, it will output into cell A5 a number. So if you check A2 it puts 3 in A5, if you check A3 it puts 2 in A5 and so on. Then I can create multiple lines and average them out to get a grade.
I can't seem to figure out any easy way to do this. I know excel basics, but I'm not familiar with Macros (which this sounds like it might be).
Any help is appreciated.