I am working within a range, where in column 1 are the ID numbers, in column 2 are the line item, and column 3 is the count for each. For each occurrence of ID number with a different line item, it is assigned a row with the count in the 3rd column for example row A is 123, b, 3, row B is 123, c, 2, etc. Each series of ID numbers has different line items. For example Id 123, has line items a, b, c, and ID 124, has line items b, c, d, e. My goal is to enter the line items and counts in a workbook that is specifically for the given ID number.

My question is, working from workbook 123, how do i find the associated ID and list it's line items in one column, and it's count in the next, without having to manually copy and paste it?

I hope that makes sense.

Thank you for any help you can offer.