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If column A contains X, total value Y in column B

  1. #1
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    If column A contains X, total value Y in column B


    I'm trying to create a new spreadsheet to detail my expenses for the year. I can't upload an example because I'm at work and it won't allow. So, I'll try and explain.
    Column A is transaction date, Colum B is statement month, Column D is the expense reason and column E is the amount (forget C for now). In column G I've got the months of the year, Jan-Dec listed in cells 2-13. What I want is for in column H, cell 2 (next to January) it to total all the vlaues in column E that relate to January's statement. The statement date is in column B, as mentioned.

    Hope that makes sense and appreciate help.

    Secondly, Pretty well the same as the above but I want it to total the reason totals. So, coulmn D shows the reason, column I lists them (similar to the months) and column J I want to add the total values from column E that relate to that reason category stated in column D.

    Finally and not essentially, my card statements are from the 11th-10th monthly. So, If I buy something on 5th February, that counts on January's statement. Now obviously I can enter the statement month manually in column B. But I wondered if it's possible for column B to calcualte the statement month based on the transaction date entered in column A.

    all help much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: If column A contains X, total value Y in column B

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  3. #3
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: If column A contains X, total value Y in column B


    Regarding this..

    ....I can't upload an example because I'm at work and it won't allow. So, I'll try and explain....
    Try this

    In H2


    In J2


    3) i don't understand the third request.

    Hope to helps you.


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  4. #4
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    Re: If column A contains X, total value Y in column B

    Hi Fotis

    thanks for response - the second one works! the first answer returns the #VALUE!

  5. #5
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: If column A contains X, total value Y in column B


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