I have been working on this for days trying workarounds, I really wanted deeper nesting, but I can live with 8 if it would only work.

here are the two examples, the first one works, the second returns and error - the cell says "#VALUE!"

=IF(J8="tsp. (US)",I8/0.20288,IF(J8="cu. ft.",I8*28316.8466,IF(J8="cu. In.",I8*16.34,IF(J8="cups (US)",I8/0.00422,IF(J8="fl. oz. (US)",I8*29.57352,"N/A")))))

=IF(J8="tsp. (US)",I8/0.20288,IF(J8="Tbs. (US)",I8/0.06762,IF(J8="fl. oz. (US liquid)",I8/0.03381,IF(J8="cups (US)",I8/0.00422,IF(J8="pints (US liquid)",I8/0.00211,IF(J8="quarts (US liquid)",I8/0.00105,IF(J8="litres",I8/0.001,IF(J8="gals. (US liquid)",I8/0.00026,"N/A"))))))))

I have looked over this again and again, but I am not seeing any difference in syntax, do you? If not a syntax error, is there something else I am missing or not understanding about this?

Thanks for all your help and suggestions, to those who take it on!