Hi I have been searching these forums for an hour or so an am stuggling to find the solution to my problem. I have simplified/shortened the data below for ease of explanation.

From the data below I want to be able select various criteria between col A - col F to create different reports. For example, when PGR in col C =273 and col F = Yes this will be the report for client A. The report for client B may have different criteria e.g. PGR in col C = 234 and col E = RBAINS2. I have about 25 reports all with different criteria and want to display the Report Name in col G.

I have tried to use the following formula G2 = If(AND(C2=273,F2="YES"),"Client A",If(AND(C2=234,E2="RBAINS2"),"Client B","")) but I am restricted by the amount of nesting you are allowed in Excel. I'm not sure a Vlookup would work because I have so many different criterias for the report.

Open to any suggestions! Thanks :-)

Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F Col G

1 Invoice Date Doc.no. PGR Vendor PO Creator On last report Report Name
2 12/10/2010 1030042293 273 112066 CPIERCE6 YES
3 03/24/2011 1030051202 234 148543 NMASON2 NO
4 06/16/2011 1030009862 O06 108977 TSANTOE YES
5 06/23/2011 1030011117 G06 120984 RWEGNER No
6 07/04/2011 1030011699 234 166290 RBAINS2 YES