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    Convert a list of events with multiple dates into a table

    Hi all,

    I am new to this forum, and appreciate help and guidance. I have created a list of events (events in row 1, 1 event per column) with the dates on which they occur listed in the rows below each event. All of the dates in column B on are dependent on the date in cell A2. I would like to create a calendar on a separate sheet that automatically populates with the events on their associated dates. If a calendar is not possible, a chart in sequential date order would work too- the goal is to easily locate the events occurring on a particular day. The actual dates need to update automatically if the date in cell A2 changes. I've looked into using a I greatly appreciate any ideas. I have fairly limited Excel experience. My data is attached.

    Thank you so much!Reporting Dates.xlsx
    Last edited by erikasn; 03-20-2012 at 10:17 AM.

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