Hello! I have a question here.

I have a MASTER sheet that is pulling in data from 22 other identically designed/formatted workBOOKS (not worksheets). It is an enormous amount of data to the point where the Master workbook contains approximately 3-Million formulas.

While the sheet does return a value for all the formulas, I question its integrity due to the sheer size of the 30-Megabyte Master workbook. I have audited in the past to see if it is producing accurate results, and have found discrepancy in the numbers whether the SLAVE workbooks were open, or closed.

My question is: Does excel have a limit of cells that can be linked to from a master sheet? I realize it may be because of PC-resources consumption by having all these files open at once, but I'm not sure if that is the reason, or a limitation in Excel (2007)